Friday, March 11, 2016

Anthony - March 9

Not-so-weekly report of an Orphan

Ok so this week was about the craziest week I have ever had in my Mission, and ' saying something. Anyways, last Wednesday at like 8 at night my comp got called to have special changes, and that's always weird. But its a weird that can be handled. Anyways my comp left and also another guy that lived in our house. So on Thursday I was in a trio and waited for my new comp. Well turns out that I have no new comp. I am in a Trio for now, and we don't know when he is going get here. So the last couple of days I have been going out with Members like crazy, the people in my ward are awsome, but now the only problem is school. The people with who I was going out with now have school and so can only go out until 8. Bummer, but workable. Other then that its been great. Our house is being renovated so we have lights and the walls are being painted and our shower works and everything. So that's an upgrade.And today we went to the temple, which I always love to do. Its such a great pick-me-up and always leaves me with a huge smile on my face (and a red line on my forehead), then we went to Wendy's and ate. All in all a good week. Love you all and hope your week is amazing. 
Love E' Whetten

Anthony - March 2, 2016

Not-So-Weekly report of a poor little rich boy

So ok, we went and played paintball for P-day today, and then we went and ate at a fancy restaurant. It was a big group of sweaty boys all hauling into this place, people were looking at us weird but we really din't care. I ate ribs, really good ribs and french fries. It was slightly burnt, but so was I so it was ok. 

This week was good, we did contacts, had leccions, found some more snakes, it was good. WE also painted a restaurant (nothing big or fancy but a restaurant) and then she made us Aroz chaufan for lunch. It was amazing. I have found that I love Peruvian food, even though its really hard to make. Other then that the week was pretty normal. I have to run. I Love you all and hope your week is awesome. 
Love E' Whetten