Monday, October 28, 2013

Pics from Argentina

Jesse E-mail Oct. 28

so i hope you remember the family that was the answer to my prayers, they are a family of seven and this week they were hit really hard with a lot of trials. satan really doesn't want this family to join the church. Monday was our pday so we didn't hear anything from them that day but Tuesday we went over to there house again and the first thing the mom told us(the dad was at work) was that they didn't want to join our church!! i seriously thought we were screwed. and ill tell you why. a wonderful member of ours went over to there house Monday and brought the father over to his house. this member has a part member family and there not exactly perfect because only half of them are members. so he said look at my family, we are torn apart because only a part of us are members. so looking at this example the father decided that he didn't want this for his family and shared what happened with his wife and that's when she told us!we sat down that day and had a lesson with the mom and told her that everything would be alright, the thing is we don't really remember what we said:P but she changed her mind and we went over the next day and shared a message with the father just before he went to work, he too changed his mind and we were great again! YES!! then about four hours later we got a call for us to go over to there house. that very same day he was fired from his job. so here he is in the middle of the week with no job and a wife and 5 kids to feed. despite this bump in the road we had more lessons with him and his family and they loved it in return. we invited then Saturday night to come and join us in church again and that's when they told us that they might not be able to. they were offered a job the two parents to work for a lady just this one day for 250 pesos each at the same time church started. and they also told us that they didn't have shampoo or soap to wash themselves with so they didn't feel worthy. we told them to pray about this and to kneel down together and decide what was best for there family. we left the house and i just felt like there was something i could do. its the end of the month and im the only one in the apartment with money left over for this week. so i went and used 150 of my pesos that i was saving for soccer shoes and bought them there necessities. i felt great and they were so grateful for this. the next day there they were sitting in church with us, giving up the money for the gospel. this family may not be rich in the worlds eyes but they are rich in heart:)

Diana E-mail - Oct 28

Well hello family and friends!!! 
This week was a little crazy we had transfers this week and i got a new companion. She is a good missionary. We had to put our car in the shop today so we are mostly on foot today :P not any fun because this area is all hills just to get home is literally an up hill battle. but we ill be ok I am in the Seattle Washington Mission choir and is is so much fun i am so excited we are preforming   on November 24!!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT EVERYONE????????? MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 6 DAYS!!!!!! I am going to be 20 how crazy i was thinking about Montana and memories of wen we went out on the ice and Jazz was spining around and then she fell and i felt like that was just yesterday but everyone including myself has just grown up. I will be 2 decades old how crazy.

I need some help so I have a friend that I have been thinking about for a really long time and i need to find her her name is ALEXA LOPEZ can someone please find her for me and tell me how she is doing i miss her and i know she needs the gospel so if you have time please someone tell me how she is doing.
Well this week is going to be great I know that Lord is with us I had a really cool experience we were out knocking doors and this man opened up and he was telling us how he was roman catholic and so usually I bear testimony of the book of mormon and that usually is a really good gate way for Bible bashing so i just started bearing my testimony of the savior and what he did for all of us not just members of the church and i could feel the spirit just testify to me and this man that what i was saying was true and that Jesus Christ is my savior and he does love me even when i fall short. Keep up the amazing work and I know all of you are love by God and by me!!! have a great week