Not-so-Weekly Report of a wanna-be Pirate
Because come on who doesn't want to be a pirate. It seems awesome, and definitely better than being a zombie.
OK so this week was good and this keyboard is weird. So this week we have been doing our best but we have run into a couple of difficulties. Namely with our one completely "secure" baptism. What happened is we can't seem to get another leccion in with them. Its like they are avoiding us, even though we know its things completely out of their control. The baptism itself isn't until this sunday, but we still have half of the 4 th leccion to teach and the whole 5th. so either its going to be a crazy couple of days or we are going to have to put it off for another week. Other then that the week was good. Alot of rejection though, but what can you do. Yesterday we found this lady in a contact that could be pretty fun. shes a thrologist or something like that, but she studied in Harvard, so yeah, should be interesting.I didn't really see anything weird this week. So that is about it. Love you all.
Love E' Whetten